888.757.3066 Sales Department
888.757.3066 Sales Department
McAfee announces “End of Life” for the SaaS Services we have been using for many years.
We still have over a year before the end of life happens, but with that said, we are already investigating the transition options to an equal or better service, at same or lower costs. Many of them have a conversion feature that will allow us to move all your users, AND keep all the settings, so that it would be very transparent, and still provide all the benefits that you enjoy from the current service and increase the features at the same time.
I’ll let you know what we come up with, and what your options are. This was a surprise to us as well, and I don’t want a similar thing to happen to whatever we transition to, so we want to make sure we are all on solid footing. Stay tuned for details to follow over the next several weeks.